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  • 流水线在工业生产中扮演的角色越来越重要
  • 本站编辑:杭州雷晟机械制造有限公司发布日期:2018-05-31 14:53 浏览次数:


1、好性化流水线靠前站的作业时间, 及多久放一片板子, 此为满足生产计划量所必须的投入cycle时间。但在实际上,瓶颈站的作业时间必然大于靠前站, 靠前站一定不是瓶颈站, 所以靠前站不一定会完全依要求的cycle时间去投入, 因为瓶颈站已拖慢他的速度, 故从管理的角度来看, 要确实要求靠前站作业者依规定速度投入。流水线的输送带速度也可反推算出日产量, 下面为输送带速度的公式:

输送带的pitch时间 = 整日的上班时间/日产量*(1+不良率)

输送带的速度= 记号间隔距离 /输送带的pitch时间

所谓记号间隔距离, 在流水线的皮带上所做的记号间的距离, 希望作业者依记号流经的速度完成作业并放置在皮带线上; 但炼条线并没有做记号, 就以板子的长度当做记号间隔距离。为何要用输送带? 除了运送物品外, 还有半强制作业者依计划完成作业的功能, 但不是一味地加快去试试看, 而应依上述公式去计算求得。




(3)从该站开始, 原本一片接着一片的板子, 中间出现了间隔。


Pipeline plays an important role in industrial production. Optimization of pipeline is directly related to the quality of products and efficiency of production. Therefore, it has become a topic that enterprises have to pay attention to.

1, optimize the operation time of the first station and how long it takes to put a piece of board, so as to meet the cycle time required for production planning. But in fact, the operation time of the bottleneck station is bound to be larger than the first station, the first station must not be a bottleneck station, so the first station will not be fully invested in the required cycle time, because the bottleneck station has slowed his speed, so from the management point of view, the first station practitioners must be required to invest in the prescribed speed. The speed of the conveyor belt can also be used to calculate the daily output. The following formula is the speed of the conveyor belt.

Pitch time of conveyor belt = full-time working hours / daily output * (1+ bad rate)

Speed of conveyor belt = mark interval distance / pitch time of conveyor belt

The distance between marking distance, the distance between marks made on the pipeline belt, is expected to complete the operation and placed on the belt line according to the speed of the mark, but the stripe line is not marked as the length of the board as a mark interval distance. Why do you want to use a conveyor belt? In addition to the delivery of goods, there are also half compulsory operators doing the function according to the plan, but not just to speed up the test, but should be calculated according to the above formula.

2, which station on the observation line is the bottleneck station:

(1) always busy station;

(2) the station that always pulls the board back;

(3) from the station, there was a gap between the first and the next boards.